Monday, November 22, 2010

A Full Fall Season . . .

As many of you are aware, I have had a very busy season in many ways. I just returned from two weeks in Honduras and one week in California. Hummmmmm - let me back up!

We were blessed with a new addition to our family this summer. His name is Logan and his daddy is my son. I had to fly to California just a couple of days after his birth for what could have been a huge problem, but with prayer and support - mommy got well and all is good.

A couple of weeks after I returned, my computer crashed. Yep. What a mess and it took a month to get it straighted out. You don't realize just how much software it takes to run your business until you have to track it down and reload it and try to get your workspace set up as before. All of my clients have been wonderful and I'm STILL playing catch up with my work. Sad, but true.

My brother came to visit after being away for a while and we all enjoyed his time here. I then had the oportunity to travel with him to California (yes, I got to see that grandbaby again) for a week and them home with him to Roatan for a couple of weeks. How could I turn that down?
Now you are up to date!

It was great to see all the people at the Blue Bahia; Maria, Daniel, Phillip and everyone else. They were happy to see me as well. It was like a family reunion. I actually picked up work there and the two weeks just flew and I stayed very busy.

During my trip, there was a horrible tragedy in the family. My cousins son, Brandon, was killed in a one car accident. He is only 23 and leaves a small child. It has to be the worst thing ever to have to bury a child - no matter their age. My heart goes out to Lisa and David and the rest of their family.

This has turned into an amazing season for business. I've actually sold three art images and I'm now very encouraged. How fun is that?

To all of you - thank you for your patience during computer failings, illness and travels. I'm hard at work to make before Christmas deliveries. THANK YOU ALL. I appreciate every one of you.

I wish you all a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day, the family and friends and relax. I'm learning!

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